Asking for words of wisdom…
I wish to return to Prime Earth/ Source. The longing has become strong recently.
But I’m in this shithole we call Earth. It’s so dense.
I used to be a “ happy clappy, Kum by yah” spiritual bypassing new ager, who believed that love and light and positive thought would help the world ascend, but given the density of this place, I’m not sure it can.
Pre 2020 I had no idea about Haarp, DARPA, Chemtrails, Digital ID, CBDC, transhumanism,the matrix and the reincarnation trap and the “ handlers of this earth “. Now that my inner eye is opening, I am having to deprogram myself and unlearn everything I believed to be true. I’ve had a very rude awakening in the last 5 years.
In one respect, this awareness is liberating, and I feel free of the lies.
On the other hand, knowing that most of what I believed was a lie can be hard.
My old friends all took the jab, and I just don’t seem to resonate with them. ( No judgement, it is what it is).
It feels a bit much sometimes, and a bit lonely. I meditate, and have done much inner work and trauma healing, but I seem to have misplaced my “ spark” and “ joy for life”, something I had an abundance of pre 2020.
Do any of you feel like this?
I don’t mean any of this in a self pitying way. I would just like to know if any of you have experienced this too.
How do you deal with it. I would like to enjoy the time I have in this place as well as be of service before I return home. ❤️