The outlook for 2025
December 31, 2024
Traditionally, every year prior to the turn of the year, you read here the expectations for the coming year. The reality is that executors of the script do know the timeline and we can only judge it by the rituals and events performed; in the process, they also regularly set us off on a false track. Almost the prediction of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump came true, but voilà it's still going to take some time. This time it remained a supposed graze. The political games also continually set false trails. But clearly, we have been able to pick up important signals that show we are almost there.
Where are we almost? Well, in 2024 we have seen the plasma effects (Northern Lights phenomena in the sky) being pushed in the media (probably generated by HAARP), we have seen a fair dose of Phoenix worship popping up and meanwhile we are seeing more and more airplane disasters in the media. Of the latter, it has been predicted here that just before the Phoenix moment, an excuse will be found to ground planes, because namely that Phoenix moment has everything to do with a strong new electromagnetic circulating field, which will cause all electronic equipment and compasses to go completely haywire. You can handle that reasonably well in Faraday bunkers, but an airplane will have real problems.
So if you ask me, 2025 will be the year when everything falls into place. It has all taken a very long time, and it is toe-curling to have to wait so long (knowing what is to come), but in 2025, everything that has been predicted here, in fact, since 2020, will really come true. Don't let that feeling of frustration overpower you, because that is exactly the purpose of the rituals they perform. The Phoenix rituals have shown that the Phoenix moment is near, but those rituals gave the impression that it might take weeks to months. They do not grieve it, for the puppets of the simulation is one in the circle of life; knowing that they reincarnate round upon round with an undeleted memory possibly even getting the re-materialized version of the same avatar each time in this simulation.
Tens of thousands of people, through reading this website, are now aware of what that Phoenix moment is. It has been repeated here over and over again that it is a plasma phenomenon that occurs when two large plasma domes (actually plasma spheres, 1 part of which is located as a half-dome above the surface of the earth and the other part is located as a half-dome below the surface of the original earth) are domed over with a new larger plasma dome (which I have referred to here as The Super Dome or The Thunder Dome, because of the violent thunderstorm sound that will occur in the process). The plasma discharge that occurs between those two large domes, during the construction of that mega-dome, will look like fire and then strike above the ridge of those two plasma domes, as the Super Dome builds up.
That is the effect of the fiery flapping bird, whose head seems to shoot from left to right; symbolically represented on the Russian flag, but also by the eagle we see prominently used as a logo in today's West Roman Empire (America). And such a plasma dome builds up by means of a spinning electromagnetic field, which builds up the new plasma screen(The Super Dome, The Thunder Dome). That Phoenix moment is the intersection moment; the X moment (hence Twitter is now called X), referring to the intersection (the merging, the In vitro fertilization) of the two plasma domes that each comprise 88 XX worlds (plasma domes) and 88 XY worlds (of which our "earth" is 1) respectively (the XX egg cell and the XY sperm cell).
So the Phoenix moment is preceded by the construction of that XX-eicel plasma dome that contains 88 earths (88 plasma domes located on the original earth). So that is 1 large plasma dome that domes 88 smaller ones. The same thing happens first with the 88 XY earths (plasma domes). They are to form the seed cell and are to be domed by a larger dome. This will happen 3 days before the Phoenix moment and during this event, the effect occurs where you will see the reflections of those 88 smaller domes (87 seen from 1 smaller dome) in the new larger plasma dome as discs shooting around in the sky. This is accompanied by tremendously colorful plasma. The reflections look like UFOs hurtling through the sky.
And we have seen another omen of that appear in the media in recent weeks and months. The subject of extraterrestrials and UFOs has become quite prominent among the masses. Anyone who understands plasma dome theory knows that the extraterrestrial invasion PsyOp must serve as a cover-up story for these plasma effects. So first we get that domination of the 2x 88 plasma domes, with the Northern Lights phenomena and the UFO effects (actually reflections of smaller domes in the larger ones). Then those smaller plasma domes will be turned off and we will see the stars (electromagnetic imprints in the plasma dome) falling down. Then follow 3 days of darkness (as The Super Dome, The Thunder Dome, is started up) and then the Phoenix phenomenon.
It is impossible to have missed the subliminal programming regarding plasma effects, the intersection (X), UFOs and the Phoenix in 2024. There was even an 18 (3×6, 666) meter Phoenix placed above the A28 in Zwolle. And 28 is of course 2 times an 8, referring to 88 (as described above). You must be stone-blind not to see it or you just don't want to see it. In any case, the alternative media are silent as the grave, because surely you are not going to promote the ideas of Martin Vrijland. This is another thing that 2024 has made very clear, namely that the alternative media are actually much more insidious than the mainstream media. They present themselves as proclaimers of the truth, while the truth is nothing more than the bait with which they lure the fish into the trap, then play the game of legal processes to help accelerate jurisprudence (see this example, plus comments below the article). Rat-catchers!
Is it necessary to predict exactly how the script will unfold in 2025? In fact, you are only giving the system fodder to rig feints, but anyone who has read the book Messiah Trump knows exactly what is coming. So in 2025, I will report mostly on how things are unfolding and how far we are from the Phoenix moment. The predictions remain unchanged. The breakdown of the Western Roman Empire and the creation of a new center of power from Jerusalem are all part of that script. That, too, is frequently explained here and in the book and has everything to do with the story of Jacob and Esau.
Plasma dome theory literally explains everything that is happening in the here-and-now and explains what is coming next (which we can see from symbolic rituals and subliminal programming in media and alt media).
We can therefore look forward to 2025 with confidence. We know what is to come. Even the Christian "rapture" is fully explained. But this goes far beyond "just a nice theory of Vrijland." We now know when and how to return to the original. And that is what this is all about. We have seen enough safety nets; hours of waffling about all sorts of things, but no solutions. But once we know that we are living in a simulation (observing a plasma dome simulation from consciousness), everything becomes clear. No more watching long-winded videos of woolly speakers; those who keep you sweet with a lot of blabla and busy hand gestures. Only one thing matters: recognizing the situation we are in and then knowing exactly how to get out of it.
And so for 2025 I wish you a crystal clear mind; transcendence of hypnosis and unraveling of the ropes of the safety nets; a full understanding of what is to come and patience! Much patience! Patience is now the highest good, for we know that the Phoenix moment is the escape moment. Not the light tunnel; not the transition to the fifth dimensional trap, not raising your vibration, but returning to the original. Re-creation of what was lost from the stem cell code of all that is; the creation code that resides in our consciousness.
Do you see the fireworks in the sky tonight? Then know that that too is a reference to what is to come. You ain't seen nothing yet!
What exactly is a Fenix (what is the Fenix phenomenon)?
Feb. 13, 2023
The Phoenix phenomenon is an event that occurs every (approximately) 200 years. About 200 years because time depends on the clock rate of the simulation dome you live in (in which your avatar is located). However, when the 88 simulation domes (plasma domes in which matter materializes from the blueprint code) are merged under one larger dome, the same happens to 88 other domes. You then have two plasma domes each containing 88 smaller ones.
You can see that number 88 popping up all around you more and more, because the avatars controlled by the builder of this simulation like to openly show who the builder of this simulation is. They must revere him as a God, because he has become quite insecure since he was deprived of creation power, when, as the builder of the Proto-Saturn system, he was removed from the original healthy universe via the planet of destruction and lost his creation power.
Those two times 88 systems (simulation domes or simulation plasma domes) are then each joined together under one new larger plasma dome. During the startup of those two larger plasma domes, light effects appear in the sky reminiscent of an alien invasion as the large dome starts up from the bottom and then slowly expands to the ridge. While starting up such a plasma dome, you first have the effect of spinning plasma. A plasma dome forms because of a circular spinning electromagnetic field.
Before the plasma dome is built, the plasma is still spinning; until the dome is complete and the plasma dome becomes stable. So when a large dome starts up, to dome 88 existing plasma domes, the spinning plasma of the large dome acts as a mirror. From one of the 88 domes, you can then see the reflections from those other 87 smaller plasma domes. This then looks (because the plasma is still spinning) like discs or circles, circling through the firmament and in 360 degrees around you. The distance from the mirror and from your dome, determines the speed of rotation.
If the large plasma dome is then complete then the plasma will enter a stationary state and the spinning of the disks will stop. You could sell that as a Project Blue Beam projection and then say, "Beware, the aliens have come to destroy us!" (as explained here).
Once the two times 88 systems are then each brought under a new larger plasma dome (via a new and large underground circular electromagnetic field generator) and the new large plasma dome is stable, then the smaller plasma domes can be turned off. So then all at once the reflections are gone. "Poof, gone are the aliens - actually reflections from domes - again."
The merging of these two times 88 systems under one has everything to do with simulating the self-fertilization by which Lucifer tries to regain his creative power. During this process he tries to steal as much consciousness from the original observers as possible. It is recommended that you read my latest book for an understanding of this. You will also then better understand how the events of the coming months unfold and what the Phoenix phenomenon really is.
The Phoenix phenomenon occurs when the larger plasma domes just described are in turn domed by a new larger plasma dome. The bringing together of those two systems is thus supposed to simulate self-fertilization, and the Super dome represents the womb, so to speak, from which the Phoenix is born. You could also call it the nest from which the Phoenix egg breaks open and the fiery bird rises to the sky.
When the two larger plasma domes are installed and the time comes to turn on the Super plasma dome, again an electromagnetic ring field builds up a plasma dome from the bottom to the ridge. During this build-up you get plasma discharge in the middle between the two already existing plasma domes. Those are half hollow plasma spheres and so you get a kind of rising column of fire in the middle that builds up along the bulge of the two existing domes as the Super plasma dome grows upward.
If the Super plasma dome is then halfway through its construction then the fiery plasma discharge will spread across the ridge of the two already existing domes and as the Super plasma dome matures, the fiery plasma will shoot toward the ridge. This rising plasma discharge, which looks like fire, will shoot past the two existing plasma domes and because the plasma field of the new Super dome is still circulating before it is stable, that will look like fiery flapping wings (the plasma discharging along the ridge of the domes of the two existing ones).
If the Super plasma dome is then complete, the Phoenix shoots to the ridge, so to speak, because the last plasma discharge (between the Super dome's building up and rotating plasma field) suddenly stops when the Super plasma dome's plasma is complete. That is the effect of the Phoenix rising from its nest.
Once this moment is reached and the Super Dome is installed, it won't be long until the 200-year cycle starts all over again and the plasma screen has to be turned off. Do you really want to understand how this works, why this is happening and how we ever got into this? Then read the book.
Credit Martin VRIGLAND