What is the relationship between Donald Trump, Aleister Crowley, Julius Caesar and the March 14, 2025 lunar eclipse?
March 12, 2025
Did you know that Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15? That date was also known as the Ides of March. While we obviously can't make any exact predictions here, that date is downright remarkable given the now well-established fact that Donald Trump plays the role of Julius Caesar, but also given the fact that March 15 is exactly one day after the lunar eclipse (aka blood moon) of March 14, 2025. It is made much more interesting by the fact that Donald Trump was also born during a lunar eclipse, namely on June 14, 1946, 10:54 a.m. EDT (East American time) in Queens, New York.
Why is that interesting? Well, because if you were to take the astrological chart, an exact cross forms between Trump's date of birth and the date of March 14, 2025, and on both dates there is a blood moon. It is very reminiscent of the X of the cross moment (the moment of conception, which symbolizes the Phoenix moment).
But it becomes even more interesting when we look at that concept of birth during such a blood moon lunar eclipse, if we lay that alongside Aleister Crowley's Thelema occultism.
Aleister Crowley, one of the most influential (pedophile) occultists of the 20th century, introduced the concept of the Moonchild in his 1917 novel Moonchild: A Prologue. The book explores the idea that a child can be conceived through a complex ritual and imbued with supernatural or divine qualities, guided by specific astrological and magical influences. This concept, although fictional, is rooted in Crowley's Thelemic philosophy and ceremonial magic and has intriguing parallels with the Christian doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary (the mother of Jesus).
In Moonchild, Crowley describes an elaborate ritual in which a woman, properly prepared and surrounded by protective magical powers, can conceive a child influenced by divine or supernatural intelligence rather than an ordinary human soul. The operation requires careful timing, spiritual conditioning and a controlled environment to attract cosmic or higher-dimensional energies. Crowley suggests that such a child, once born, may possess extraordinary powers and play a role in the advent of a new spiritual age.
The Moonchild shares some thematic similarities with the Christian concept of the Immaculate Conception and the Virgin Birth of Jesus. According to Christian doctrine, Mary was not conceived by a man, but by the Holy Spirit, thus Jesus was considered divine. Similarly, Crowley's Moonchild includes a spiritual rather than merely physical conception, where the child's essence is influenced by non-human forces.
Both stories are about a chosen woman, someone carefully prepared or predestined for a special birth. Mary, according to the Bible, was safeguarded from original sin, making her a vessel for divine intervention. Similarly, in Crowley's Moonchild ritual, the mother must be purified and protected from external influences to ensure that proper spiritual power is manifested. Moreover, both births herald a new era; Jesus as the Messiah in Christian theology and the Moonchild as a possible avatar of a new occult era.
In Crowley's vision, cosmic events play a crucial role in shaping magical outcomes, and a lunar eclipse would provide a particularly powerful moment for the necessary spiritual and magical transformations for the benefit of ritual. This lunar eclipse, according to Crowley, would open gateways between worlds; moments when the usual order is disrupted, allowing supernatural forces to intervene. A lunar eclipse temporarily obscures the influence of the Moon, which in esoteric traditions represents the subconscious, the feminine principle and the astral realm.
Donald Trump has all the requirements needed to be like those specified by Aleister Crowley to be characterized as a Moonchild. He was born under the blood moon and in addition, Trump's mother's name was Mary. It will be interesting if I remind you that it was not Joe Biden, the sitting president of the US at the time, who attended the opening of Notre Dame on December 7, 2024, but Donald Trump. In this article I explained why that was an insemination ritual for the benefit of the conception of the Antichrist (the unborn Christ fetus) in the Mary womb; Notre Dame (our lady Mary) under the newly placed Phoenix on the restored tower.
Faithful readers know by now that in this article I explained how we should actually consider astrology, namely as the representation of the script reflected as electromagnetic imprints in the plasma dome (considered planets by the mainstream). It is advisable to read that article again. I thought it would be useful to have ChatGPT summarize the official astrological prediction regarding Donald Trump for this period. Below is the analysis:
Donald Trump and the Lunar Eclipse of March 14-15, 2025: A Turning Point
An astrological analysis of Donald Trump regarding the March 14-15, 2025 lunar eclipse shows that this could be a pivotal momentfor him. Given his birth under a lunar eclipse on June 14, 1946, this eclipse could bring about a major transformation or crisis in his life.
1. Important Astrological Transits
Saturn & Neptune in Pisces (7th house - Laws & Enemies)
- Saturn brings limitations and karmic consequences, while Neptune can cause confusion or deception.
- This influence falls into his 7th house of lawsuits and enemies, which may indicate an intensification of legal problems or betrayal by allies.
- Possible outcomes: a major court ruling, loss of political support, or a situation where his power is curtailed.
Southern Lunar Node in Libra (His Jupiter - Political Influence)
- The South Lunar Node(loss, karma) touches its Jupiter (expansion, politics, finance).
- Possible outcomes: a political or financial loss, legal consequences, or a "boomerang effect" of past actions.
Uranus in Taurus (At its Midheaven - Career & Status)
- Uranus, the planet of sudden change, is close to its Midheaven(reputation, career).
- Possible outcomes:unexpected turns in his career, a surprising strategic move, or a major revelation that affects his public image.
Pluto in Aquarius (Opposition with its Mars - Power struggle & Health)
- Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, makes a tense aspect with its Mars.
- Possible outcomes:intense power struggles, increased aggression from opponents, and possibly health problems due to stress or suppressed anger.
2. What can happen?
- Legal escalation: a major ruling or court action.
- Political turning point: loss of influence or an unexpected move.
- Betrayal of allies: loss of support in the political or business world.
- Health problems: Pluto and Saturn can indicate severe physical or mental stress.
- Scandals or revelations: Uranus can cause sudden public revelations.
3. Conclusion
For Trump, the March 2025 lunar eclipse marks a moment of karma and inevitable change. Whether through legal ramifications, political shifts, or personal crises, his fate seems inevitably tied to this astrological cycle. This may be the year when his future is definitively determined.
If you ask me, what stands out most is the "betrayal of allies" and "increased aggression from opponents, and possible health problems due to stress or suppressed anger. Of course, such an online AI may not hint at a potential assassination attempt, but it is still very reminiscent of the situation when Julius Caesar was assassinated on March 15, 44 B.C. (according to the official reading). On that 15th of March (the Ides of March), Julius Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators, including Brutus, Cassius, and more than 60 conspirators. They feared he would become a dictator for life and destroy the Roman Republic, so they stabbed him 23 times in Pompey's Theater.
And so as a reminder, I post the video below once again; the video footage of William Shakespeare's play performed in New York in 2017, starring a man dressed as Donald Trump playing Julius Caesar.
Am I saying that Donald Trump is going to be assassinated on March 15, 2025? No, but I do want to point out the prediction that has been open here for years that another assassination attempt on Donald Trump will follow; a successful one this time. This assassination attempt will again be hoaxed, but the need for that assassination is fixed in the script? In what script? In that script, which I have been trying to make more insightful to you here almost daily, I have been predicting for years: civil war in the U.S., the disintegration of NATO, the fall of Europe (and the taking of Europe by Turkey), the fall of the hegemony of the dollar, the peak rise of Bitcoin; followed by an alien invasion, three days of darkness and the Phoenix phenomenon.
So during that process, Donald Trump will be murdered somewhere (hoaxed at least), because it is planned that he will have to rise from the dead as a messiah. The entire script has been explained here many times, but the articles are just there to point out the remarkable clues that might open your eyes to the truth of that script. You can read the full script today in the book Messiah Trump:
Credit Martin VRIGLAND