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What would you do if you went to a carnival or a fair…one of those traveling attractions that moves from town to town during select times of the year? Let’s say you visited one, eager for a good time, excited to explore the attractions, ride the rides, indulge in the food, and test your luck at the games. Just some good old fashioned American fun…

But imagine that, as you wandered through the carnival, you stepped into a funhouse…only to find that something was there. A presence. One that was not what it seemed. A force designed to deceive you. Perhaps they had some kind of drug, something they forced upon you…something that disoriented you so profoundly that you forgot why you had come to the carnival in the first place.

Disoriented, you begin to drift aimlessly from one attraction to another, losing all sense of time. Minutes blur into hours, then into days. As time, real or perceived, stretches on, you become even more lost. Maybe you even begin to forget who you are. Eventually, you start believing you are part of the carnival itself, convinced that this is your entire world. And finally, the last stage takes hold: you forget that a world beyond the carnival even exists…that you ever came from somewhere else…

That, my friends, is what this 3D Earth is. We are all standing in the middle of a grand carnival, a spectacle we have unknowingly been trapped in. But those of us who are awakening…who are becoming aware of this reality…are done with the rides, the games, the distractions, and the empty indulgences. The thrill has long worn off after spending hundreds of years and multiple lifetimes here.

Most of us are ready to leave. And this? This is our final ride. The first step in freeing yourself is to see the carnival for what it truly is…a trap. And what do we know about carnival games? They’re rigged. The best choice is not to play at all. Refuse to participate in their game, and in time, you will step beyond it. Once we do we’ll be home… ♾️🙏🏻♾️

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A perfect ending to a very looooong day 😅😊

Much love to y’all ♥️

Time to be free

Jean is playing for a different audience today 🥰🥰😄😄
Happy matrix Sunday everyone ♥️how are y’all doing?

Sunday Sermon 😄

Be in the moment, enjoy & make a splash! Enough said😉

  • HEADS UP - Deconstruction before construction. What is old, corrupted n no longer serving its purpose is not to be built on top of, unless you WANT your creation broken down with the same problems the old one had. The "old" must be destroyed in order to be recreated into something new and purposeful.

-THIS NEEDS POINTED OUT - Were our great, great, great grandparents alive today, most of the "federal government" would be dead, as our ancestors would not have tolerated stolen elections, loss of freedoms nor total corruption 😶 Go ahead. Think it over. DWELL ON IT. If ya can, tell me I am wrong.

Corporate nut jobs pretending to be a constitutional republic are near hanging themselves. They are near the end of their rope. Expect 'em to try n seize everything they can as they realize they have nothing but massive debt. I say kill the fools they send to steal what is yours. OR just let them take it, like they have done with real freedom. 😶 BY THE WAY - those same folks that intend to STEAL all they can from small American business owners n homeowners are among the same who push deadly rna manipulation shots marketed as "vaccine". The same who claim "bird flu" when no one has seen dead birds. Also, the bird flu is not killing chickens, the "government" is killing them. Same as those nut jobs did with beef and dairy, they make shit up in order to make "corporate take overs". . . . . . . AGAIN, by the way, they will not stop that shit until forced. It aint pretty, however pretending otherwise is foolish.

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SUNDAY SERMON - Are You Certain?

Hello friends,

it's time for a Sunday Sermon again:-) 
It's very interesting how something that can help us so greatly and expand us forward into greater wellbeing can also be the thing that holds us back or locks us in at times.
Does that sound like a paradox? Well, let us explain...👇🏽

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SUNDAY SERMON - The Tennessee Healers

Hello friends,

it's time for another Sunday Sermon:-)
One of the most common things that Kristin & I would repeat over and over again during our retreats is the phrase, "give yourself permission" or "allow yourself...".

Why? Because for anything new, different or better to unfold we need to first give ourselves permission. Life is a journey, not a destination. The interesting this is, how the world around us reflects our own quite a big way:-)

Let us share a little more with you in this audio here

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SUNDAY SERMON - 18 Words To Live By


if something cannot be expressed simply, it's simply not understood:-) I always like that statement because it resembles truth. In today's Sunday Sermon I'd like to share 18 words with you that, when actually embodied, can change everything, including the course of history.

Let me tell you what I mean in this audio here 👇🏽 

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