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Running Right At Them | True Story | The Event (Part 2)

If you haven't read the first part of this (true) story please read it now here

...At this very moment I stepped outside and noticed the two guys “moving in” reaching for something in their jackets (probably a badge) So far, they did what we expected them to do. They were only a few feet away from me when Tony pulled up with screeching tires on my side of the road. Perfect timing, just like we planned. I jumped in the SUV and both Kristin and Tony started driving at the same time in opposite directions.

Our “2 friends” weren’t even able to utter a word as I smiled at them while we were driving away. For about 10 minutes we played hide and seek around town, pulling in and out of parking lots, taking lots of one-way streets and following no particular pattern until we were certain we had shaken any tails.

Mission accomplished. For now. We knew this wasn’t over by a long shot but we had no idea what was awaiting us next. All we knew and trusted in was the extraordinary guidance we were always receiving at the right moment. The right ideas out of the blue which kept us out of harms way. 

Over the following days we kept our communications with SG to a minimum and remained cryptic. No details, no locations.

We also began to see more clearly what “their” game was all about. As more and more people were waking up and asking deeper questions, “their” tactic was mind games and intimidation. 
BRING IT ON, was our unofficial motto as backing down and stopping was no option. It still isn’t.

On the morning of the event with SG we had approximately 100 people who had signed up. Many more had tried, but we had to keep it fairly small in order to be flexible. We still had one venue confirmed and 3 reserved under different names and for different purposes. 
Our attendees knew they wouldn’t get the exact location until an hour before showtime.

We picked the most remote and unusual location, a very old, traditional restaurant with a huge meeting room and an unsuspecting owner. When we booked it, we said it would be an informational event about health, spirituality and finances. We didn’t lie, but we weren’t exactly upfront about who our main speaker was.

Everything had worked out as planned, people arrived on time and both SG and our other speaker were ready and in high spirits. Our trusted film crew was on site and would, as always, make sure that the information presented makes its way on the internet as quickly as possible, where it was distributed by a tight-knit network of fellow truth-seekers and freedom lovers. 
While censorship was an issue, it was nowhere near as extreme as today. It was still 2014, after all.

After I welcomed everybody and did my part of the presentation, I introduced SG and took a seat. Unlike most people in this community we had met before, SG had a larger-than-life personality. He wore very nice suits, was in great shape and his whitish-grey hair was always perfectly styled. He looked a lot like one of those top banksters he was working so hard to expose. When SG spoke, people listened. There was a kind of authority in his voice that pulled people in and even though he almost appeared arrogant at times, SG was a very likable man.

I wondered at times if underneath it all, he was perhaps a little insecure, trying to overcompensate for something. 
About 15 minutes into his speech, I noticed that one of the two camera guys who was positioned close to a window, keep looking outside. After a few moments he quietly left the room, only to return screaming a few seconds later. 
“The cops are here, the cops are here. Quick, quick, let’s form a human chain around SG. Lock your arms and make sure no one gets through.”

Kristin and I immediately jumped up, motioned everyone to remain calm and made our way outside. Although we had asked everyone to stay inside most people followed us to the parking lot and began forming a line that blocked the entrance to the restaurant. 

I counted 6 police cars, at least 12 officers and a few plain-clothes guys who looked like they were higher-ups. I walked over to the man who seemed to be in charge and said very calmly and friendly, “How can we help you?"

The guy looked at me a little bewildered and said, “we are looking for Mr. XXXX and it has come to our attention that he is here today.” 
The name he had given us wasn’t SG’s real name, it was the alias he had used for his books. 
Truthfully I said, “I’m afraid I can’t help you with that. Mr. XXXX is not here”.

By now, all attendees had come outside and everybody was talking over each other letting the police know, that nobody by this name was present.

The “chief” looked at me and said, “this is serious business, we have a warrant for Mr. XXXX”, and I once again answered that nobody by that name was present and added, loud enough for everyone to hear, “this is a private event and if there’s nothing else, I would kindly ask you to leave. There’s no need for any further escalation. This is a peaceful gathering and we just want to be left alone.”

The “chief” obviously wasn’t happy at all. The officers in uniform kept asking him what to do and he kept ignoring them. It was really a no-win situation. 100 very peaceful people who were determined to function as a human chain to shield SG from the cops and the fact that this was a public restaurant with other guests dining - any escalation on the side of the police could have huge unwanted consequences. And for what? A little earlier I had peaked at the arrest warrant and it said something like FINANCIAL FRAUD. Was it really worth it? 

The “chief” looked at me, visibly frustrated, and said, “we know who you are Mr. Nolan. We know all about you”, obviously trying to intimidate me. I looked at him for a moment, smiled and said, “I wasn’t hiding, as a matter of fact we’re very open about everything we do. However, good manners would dictate that you also introduce yourself to me.”

He starred at me for a moment, probably deciding whether he should give in to his anger or remain calm. Eventually he gave me his name and title. He WAS a higher-up. Way to high up to be part of a low-level arrest like this. But we both knew what this was about.

While we went back and forth in a semi-friendly banter, I noticed that Kristin wasn’t by my side anymore but something told me to keep the conversation going.

The “chief” eventually came to the clear realization that today was not the day. Too many people, too many variables, too many things that could go wrong. 
As the police cars began driving away I ran back inside and found Kristin. She said, “we are leaving. My mom and SG are waiting a little further up the road in our truck.” 
“What do you mean? What’s going on?” 

, I asked.

Apparently, while I was talking to the “chief”, Kristin my mother-in-law and SG had come up with a plan. SG had climbed out the bathroom window to the backside of the building were he hid in the back of our truck. Kristin’s mom then drove the truck off the parking lot and waited a little further up the road. Kristin and I decided that they should take SG to a trusted friend, who was also a mastermind when it came to all things law, and I mean real law, not the fraudulent legal system.

She had a house in a remote area about 40 minutes away and we would all meet up there to come up with a plan. We were determined to finish this event. The information SG had was too important and we simply wouldn’t cave in to threats and intimidation tactics. We were more determined than ever. As Kristin, her mom and SG drove into the night, I gave thanks for their perfect protection while having a deep inner knowing that nothing else was going to happen tonight. No more cops, no more stand-offs. 

A few hours later we had somehow managed to find a meeting room in the back of a bar out in the country and most of our attendees gathered there at around 11pm to finally get all the information from SG they had come for. People were on the edge of their seats as he laid open the level of corruption and criminal energy that was going on behind the scenes in high finance and politics.

This went all the way to the top and as I’m writing these lines today, we are living through the consequences of it all - SG was spot on. The same forces have been orchestrating the takeover of all important components of our societies. Politics, economy, finance, entertainment, religion and almost every other field. 

After SG’s talk was over, there was an incredible energy in the room. Physically, we all were tired, but somehow we were all elevated.

We knew, it wasn’t up to these people in dark boardrooms, it wasn’t up to the politicians or the CEO’s. It was up to us. It IS up to us. 

For a few weeks after the event, things had calmed down but as always, this was just the calm before the next storm. We knew it and we didn’t mind. We were not afraid because every time we walked into a storm, we came out stronger and somehow always unharmed…TO BE CONTINUED

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Thank you all so much for all the loving messages, comments and emails letting me know how my new song
'Time To Be Free' made you feel.
Such an honor and a blessing to hear from you all.
If you haven't yet, you can listen to 'Time To Be Free' here

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So excited to share my new song ‘Time To Be Free’ with you all

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