Standing your ground and not being willing to sacrifice your morals & principles is honorable.
It is also the last resort and lowest form of ethical expression.
Morally sound and spiritually grounded people are considered THE enemy of this Great-Reset-New-World-Order-Scum-Of-The-Earth group.
When we “just” choose to stand our ground rather than infuse all of our actions with steadfast ethical integrity - meaning we do what we know to be right rather than just not do what we know to be wrong - we WIN.
A small but highly dedicated minority willing to risk (whatever it takes) is the path to victory.
So, no more trophies for participation in “not doing the wrong thing” - embody your space in the light by continually doing the right thing over and over again until you have lost all fear, overcome all worries and defeated every doubtful thought in your mind.
You won’t know what that feels like until you do it. No amount of mental masturbation will produce that state of bliss and elation - it has to be D O N E!
That’s real winning.