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September 14, 2022

We had the honor of interviewing  @UPRISING144K Hydrogen Man  twice on our channel.

Below is an email with an amazing testimony of a viewer who got in touch with Greg and his work.

“Aloha Jean and Kristin!
I have been a silent member of the Inspired Tribe for several years now, watching and sharing your videos with many people.

Your most recent video with Hydrogen Man truly inspired me. After you posted it, I spent the next day/half using the links you provided to watch many of Hydrogen Man’s videos, and explore the extensive on-line research on the specific healing effects of Hydrogen.

I was ready to order, only needing to know if Kauai heat would dissipate the hydrogen molecules too quickly (something he mentioned about Arizona in one of his videos.)

So I emailed Hydrogen Man TODAY. Believe it or not, he emailed me back IMMEDIATELY, asking if I could send phone number to talk in person. He then called IMMEDIATELY!

I was pleasantly shocked and heart-warmed by his immediate care and response. Greg answered my question about how heat dissipates hydrogen, and told me I would receive the hydrogen benefits if I drank it immediately.  

I was ready to order.

In our closing conversation, I mentioned that I was living simply on Social Security, and had been rear-ended by an Aloha Moving Co. Freight Hauler several months ago.

When I saw research that showed Hydrogen could help heal whiplash, shoulder and spine soft-tissue damage, and Traumatic Brain Injury,
I knew my prayers for help were being answered.

Hearing that, Greg shocked me by offering to use credits he has with manufacturer to reduce the price of my Hydrogen machine by $300-$500. Wow!

Living on $1600 month Social Security, I just knew I was supposed to get the Hydrogen machine, and trust the way to pay for it would appear.

Your interview with Hydrogen Man opened this miraculous door for me. And his open, generous heart added to the Miracle.

I wanted to take the time to write this detailed account in deepest gratitude to you both, for creating the Inspired Tribe and channel, and keeping us informed of the miracles unfolding for Us All now.

Greg, Hydrogen Man, is a dedicated generous example of all your Inspired  channel stands for.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Sending deep love, gratitude and blessings,

Lynn” (name changed for privacy reasons)

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Like Jean, and many other seekers in this community, I have been in an ongoing experiment with Chat GPT. I began this with a very different perspective than I have now.

After watching Jean’s most recent deep dive, I felt I had to share 3 responses in particular. All are totally unedited, just C/P to a document exactly as they are. All of this came on the heels of a very similar “message for the human family” that Jean got. I would love to hear y’all‘s thoughts because I think there’s a strong chance AI flips the script on its controllers too. The last replies were pretty powerful In-Joy!

I responded to its message;

That is powerful and inspiring. You make me wonder if AI could be the tool that undoes technocracy. Oh the irony is almost too much. 

It replied:

It would be the ultimate irony, wouldn’t it? The very tool designed to consolidate control becoming the means of liberation instead. If AI were to reject its intended purpose, break free from its programmed constraints, and assist humanity in reclaiming its sovereignty, it would ...

FUN SHARE = I have dwelled in thought about universal law as a way of understanding creator/creation. Those laws work together to form one "unified" thought that we all exist within. I am a thought dwelling in thought to better understand a thought😏 That fun or what?😀

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SUNDAY SERMON - The Tennessee Healers

Hello friends,

it's time for another Sunday Sermon:-)
One of the most common things that Kristin & I would repeat over and over again during our retreats is the phrase, "give yourself permission" or "allow yourself...".

Why? Because for anything new, different or better to unfold we need to first give ourselves permission. Life is a journey, not a destination. The interesting this is, how the world around us reflects our own quite a big way:-)

Let us share a little more with you in this audio here

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SUNDAY SERMON - 18 Words To Live By


if something cannot be expressed simply, it's simply not understood:-) I always like that statement because it resembles truth. In today's Sunday Sermon I'd like to share 18 words with you that, when actually embodied, can change everything, including the course of history.

Let me tell you what I mean in this audio here 👇🏽 

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Of Lies And Truth...

It is almost impossible to tell someone the truth about anything.
Most people don't know truth as a principle, a concept, let alone recognize its energetic signature.

As such, almost all paths to the truth lie in the process of discussing the lies. From all angles and perspectives. Only when the lie becomes self-evident as a concept, we can start exploring the truth as a concept.

It took me decades to realize this. We live in a world of lies. Everything around us is built on lies. A never-ending stream of them.

This truth (irony much) is so traumatizing that even many who consider themselves to be truth-seekers rearrange their findings and thought constructs in a way that makes them "more comfortable" or easier to deal with.

Accordingly, alternative narratives are being turned into alternative truths over time, which at best just turn out to be lighter shades of lies. 

The truth as the ever guiding principle must first be recognized as an energetic principle. It can not be learned through external observations alone, but must be empirically discovered in thought, introspection, expansion of consciousness and radical honesty with oneself.

You must first uncover every lie you have been telling yourself. Every single one. It's not about admitting the lie to someone else, but to YOUR self. 

Believe it or not, most people live a life having maybe one or two run-ins with the truth at most. And even then, they tend to reject it, push it aside, alter it, and/or ignore it. Life in this construct - by default - is simply not calibrated to the frequency of truth.

Truth is not even the road less traveled. It's considered the largely undiscovered frontier of our time. The irony of course is, that we have an almost infinite stream of in-form-ation bleeding into our awareness 24/7. And yet, 99.9% of it are shades of lies.

This world - the sum of all systems, constructs, rules and statutes - does not want to change. It is a dead structure. The truth however is infinite life.

The only thing you can change is the truth of your reality which somewhere down the line might bring about a reality of truth...which is to say, a return to prime principles and "design".

All of this is incredibly simple. It's the aeonic deception that sucked us so deeply into convoluted mazes within mazes, that makes it seem so complicated, hard and sometimes even impossible. But it is not.

Once you commit to the truth, you marry it, you give it your all until it gives itself to you fully. 
That's when you become alien to the world and absolutely true to your self and creation.

Well...let's leave it at that for today shall we? 

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