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September 14, 2022

We had the honor of interviewing  @UPRISING144K Hydrogen Man  twice on our channel.

Below is an email with an amazing testimony of a viewer who got in touch with Greg and his work.

“Aloha Jean and Kristin!
I have been a silent member of the Inspired Tribe for several years now, watching and sharing your videos with many people.

Your most recent video with Hydrogen Man truly inspired me. After you posted it, I spent the next day/half using the links you provided to watch many of Hydrogen Man’s videos, and explore the extensive on-line research on the specific healing effects of Hydrogen.

I was ready to order, only needing to know if Kauai heat would dissipate the hydrogen molecules too quickly (something he mentioned about Arizona in one of his videos.)

So I emailed Hydrogen Man TODAY. Believe it or not, he emailed me back IMMEDIATELY, asking if I could send phone number to talk in person. He then called IMMEDIATELY!

I was pleasantly shocked and heart-warmed by his immediate care and response. Greg answered my question about how heat dissipates hydrogen, and told me I would receive the hydrogen benefits if I drank it immediately.  

I was ready to order.

In our closing conversation, I mentioned that I was living simply on Social Security, and had been rear-ended by an Aloha Moving Co. Freight Hauler several months ago.

When I saw research that showed Hydrogen could help heal whiplash, shoulder and spine soft-tissue damage, and Traumatic Brain Injury,
I knew my prayers for help were being answered.

Hearing that, Greg shocked me by offering to use credits he has with manufacturer to reduce the price of my Hydrogen machine by $300-$500. Wow!

Living on $1600 month Social Security, I just knew I was supposed to get the Hydrogen machine, and trust the way to pay for it would appear.

Your interview with Hydrogen Man opened this miraculous door for me. And his open, generous heart added to the Miracle.

I wanted to take the time to write this detailed account in deepest gratitude to you both, for creating the Inspired Tribe and channel, and keeping us informed of the miracles unfolding for Us All now.

Greg, Hydrogen Man, is a dedicated generous example of all your Inspired  channel stands for.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Sending deep love, gratitude and blessings,

Lynn” (name changed for privacy reasons)

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