We know many of you have been asking over the months and years - what are we going to do about all of THIS? “THIS” being the nefarious agendas playing out in the world right now.
While the answer to that question is in the mirror, we wanted to let you know what WE are doing behind the scenes.
INSPIRED as an idea, vehicle and catalyst is much more than a Youtube or Locals Channel.
Our deepest desire was always to co-create real transformation in our world.
Through the work on the channel however we have attracted a number of people who are highly activated action-takers.
They have various skill sets that, when combined, hold tremendous potential.
This is what is happening. We are currently creating real-life models and systems that will present the foundation for “the new way” which in truth is a path to the original way of things.
This includes all basic needs, the societal and constitutional foundation, the network and some technology as well.
The group itself is NOT seeking an elevated position other than serving communities across the country and beyond.
It’s not about one new leader figure, it’s about personal responsibility and collaborative action.
We will soon begin communicating the action plan in it’s entirety to the broader public and inviting collaborators on all levels.
What we are talking about are fundamental paradigm and lifestyle shifts.
The intention is also the goal -
And necessity is the driver of solutions.
It’s necessary. It’s now. And it’s exciting.
Much Love,
Kristin & Jean