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Live Streamed on April 13, 2023 11:01 AM ET
Through The Looking Glass - WHO IS FRANK JACOB? A Private Conversation

Join us for a different INSPIRED conversation with Frank Jacob. Who is the man who brought us this wealth of research and information? Where did he come from? What shaped him?

Get to meet the man behind the "legend" - Thursday, 4/13 at 10am Central only here on LOCALS.

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A perfect ending to a very looooong day 😅😊

Much love to y’all ♥️

Time to be free

Jean is playing for a different audience today 🥰🥰😄😄
Happy matrix Sunday everyone ♥️how are y’all doing?

Sunday Sermon 😄

Be in the moment, enjoy & make a splash! Enough said😉

OMG! She cheated…

If you tell our GSD Montana, Kristin will deny everything…but she was “cheating” on Montana today with this young pup called Tuf;-)

I’m just here collecting the evidence for a rainy day…😉

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  • REALITY CHECK - Man-made laws DO NOT protect you. We protect each other. FOR EXAMPLE, = Know what keeps me from kickin the shit out my neighbor n taking his stuff? 😶 I DO . . . . . . . Know what keeps my neighbor from tryin ta kick my ass n take my stuff? HE DOES . . . . . . . The "law" has NOTHING to do with it. Man-made laws are created for profit. THAT is what they "do". Make profit. That is why they call it "law enforcement" . . . . . . . take it from one of the most vicious human beings 'roun, the "law" does NOT keep me from mauling folks, I DO THAT. 😏 Who keeps 🫵YOU from doing violence or dirty deeds REALLY??? . . . . . . . 🫵YOU DO. / Here is another simple truth to copy n share 'aroun from some guy, ya know, if you would like to help grow the legend

ONE MORE simple truth from the universal mind of some guy = Americans everywhere are being shadow banned, censored n the truth we speak being silenced by those who fear it . . . . . . . Do y'all KNOW why the criminal corporation posing as a constitutional republic has done NOTHING about it??? . . . . . . . 😏 sure ya do . . . . . . . THEY ARE INVOLVED IN PAYING FOR IT TO GO ON. / Those A-holes can lie to themselves n they can lie to each other however they CANNOT lie to me. The proof is "in the pudding". I have tasted the pudding🤢 It tastes like BULLSHIT

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SUNDAY SERMON - The Awesome Power Of CC


in the face of all that we are witnessing in the world today, who hasn't asked themself at times, "What can little old me change"? It's a common question and we've all asked it before.

It's actually a very important one to ask, but most don't realize how powerful the real answer is.
Let us explain in today's Sunday Sermon 👇🏽

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Stormy Weather & Stormy Thoughts

Some thoughts for today...

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SUNDAY SERMON - Are You Certain?

Hello friends,

it's time for a Sunday Sermon again:-) 
It's very interesting how something that can help us so greatly and expand us forward into greater wellbeing can also be the thing that holds us back or locks us in at times.
Does that sound like a paradox? Well, let us explain...👇🏽

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