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January 05, 2025

Shadow Work - the Prerequisite to Disclosure

@Raymond_Mikal recently posted two links to videos about UFO disclosure. One, a lengthy and at times repetitive edit of conversations between Gregg Braden and John Peterson ( The other, an interview with Steven Greer on Redacted ( May I suggest pairing these two, and see if the following makes sense?

In the Braden/Peterson conversation, one of the points featured is that Peterson's team at Arlington Institute came up with 38 scenarios of disclosure, and only 2 or 3 do not result in civilization driving off a cliff.

In the interview with Greer, a significant detail is that the leadership at the center of secret black budget development of UFO tech deliberately screen for psycho-/sociopathic personalities to be admitted into the deeper ranks. He points out that most people find it impossibly difficult to attempt to contemplate the mindset of the truly evil.

The combination of these two points from the two interviews indicates to me that in order to break the disclosure barrier, there first must be a critical mass of individuals willing and able to cease projecting evil onto others with whom they disagree, and instead to look within with complete honesty to take ownership and responsibility for all that we harbor inside ourselves, even if it is not expressed.

To paraphrase Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, "The line between good and evil runs through the heart of every person."

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January 07, 2025

Ky Dickens on The Telepathy Tapes, PSI Phenomena, and a message from Non-Speakers - Psicoactivo #227

One detail I learned from this interview is that ASHA gatekeeping against using spelling methods as a means for non-verbal individuals to communicate has historic parallels in opposition by professional orgs to validate both sign language and braille - for many many decades.

Accounts of The Hill - the space in which many non-verbals congregate telepathically to connect and share knowledge and experiences with each other - reminds me of a documentary I saw a couple of decades ago about the establishment of the first school for the deaf in Nicaragua. Busses were sent across the countryside to collect previously isolated individuals. The northern sign language teachers had imagined that their first task was going to be to introduce sign language to the first class of students. They were in for a surprise. In fact - it turned out - their first task was in reality to learn the sign...

I have recently come in contact with Bruno Grönings work, and the healing he made on so many people (!) are absolutely amazing! The fact that documented healings all over the world (!) still happens long after his passing 1959 gives true Hope, not hopium. I have started to read his texts wich I also can recommend. There are good documentarys on You Tube. Apparently just having a photo of him close to your body can help. But I recommend everybody to look into his work. Tuning into your source 15 min twice a day, einstellung. For me it is the best I have encountered so far. We are so powerful and need to trust our connection with the Source within. ❤️

G”day friends, this came across my oath today. Did you know Australia is about to release genetically modified misquotes? Goodness, what next! A short video by independent senator, Craig Kelly.

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SUNDAY SERMON - 18 Words To Live By


if something cannot be expressed simply, it's simply not understood:-) I always like that statement because it resembles truth. In today's Sunday Sermon I'd like to share 18 words with you that, when actually embodied, can change everything, including the course of history.

Let me tell you what I mean in this audio here 👇🏽 

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Of Lies And Truth...

It is almost impossible to tell someone the truth about anything.
Most people don't know truth as a principle, a concept, let alone recognize its energetic signature.

As such, almost all paths to the truth lie in the process of discussing the lies. From all angles and perspectives. Only when the lie becomes self-evident as a concept, we can start exploring the truth as a concept.

It took me decades to realize this. We live in a world of lies. Everything around us is built on lies. A never-ending stream of them.

This truth (irony much) is so traumatizing that even many who consider themselves to be truth-seekers rearrange their findings and thought constructs in a way that makes them "more comfortable" or easier to deal with.

Accordingly, alternative narratives are being turned into alternative truths over time, which at best just turn out to be lighter shades of lies. 

The truth as the ever guiding principle must first be recognized as an energetic principle. It can not be learned through external observations alone, but must be empirically discovered in thought, introspection, expansion of consciousness and radical honesty with oneself.

You must first uncover every lie you have been telling yourself. Every single one. It's not about admitting the lie to someone else, but to YOUR self. 

Believe it or not, most people live a life having maybe one or two run-ins with the truth at most. And even then, they tend to reject it, push it aside, alter it, and/or ignore it. Life in this construct - by default - is simply not calibrated to the frequency of truth.

Truth is not even the road less traveled. It's considered the largely undiscovered frontier of our time. The irony of course is, that we have an almost infinite stream of in-form-ation bleeding into our awareness 24/7. And yet, 99.9% of it are shades of lies.

This world - the sum of all systems, constructs, rules and statutes - does not want to change. It is a dead structure. The truth however is infinite life.

The only thing you can change is the truth of your reality which somewhere down the line might bring about a reality of truth...which is to say, a return to prime principles and "design".

All of this is incredibly simple. It's the aeonic deception that sucked us so deeply into convoluted mazes within mazes, that makes it seem so complicated, hard and sometimes even impossible. But it is not.

Once you commit to the truth, you marry it, you give it your all until it gives itself to you fully. 
That's when you become alien to the world and absolutely true to your self and creation.

Well...let's leave it at that for today shall we? 

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SUNDAY SERMON - Co-Creating in Hyper Novelty

Hello friends,

something is going on in the skies overhead. What exactly, only very few people know. But we see certain similarities to previous hyper novelty events/timelines.

What is most important is that we take what we have learned in the last 5 years and apply it immediately. Let me explain in this audio here 👇🏽 

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