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January 25, 2025

Interesting Exchange

At this point in my life, I am indifferent as to how others perceive me. No enemies populate my mental landscape. My working motto is "Authenticity trumps kindness.". I do my best to communicate honestly.

Yesterday, I stopped by a local shop. I was the only customer at the time. The cashier was a young woman with a friendly smile. We had the typical exchange of "How are you?"s. My answer was "I'm pretty good.". I spontaneously followed that with "I am learning to surf the currents of history.".

Although I wasn't fishing for any particular reaction, she seemed positively impressed. After I made my purchase, her farewell to me was "Happy surfing!", to which I replied " Happy surfing to you too!"

This helped me to notice that my focus on future events - whether planned or not, or desired or not - has been diminishing. Instead, my attention is more focused on maintaining my inner sense of balance while moving through a world undergoing rapid changes.

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Be in the moment, enjoy & make a splash! Enough said😉

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FOR FUN = I caught my nephew pickin his nose n eatin it. So . . . . . . . I offered 'em some of my boogers. 😅I didn't know you liked boogers, I told 'em, n I aint even eatin mine, ya want 'em?, I asked him. - I aint gon lie, THAT was fun. He's 11 or so, so . . . . . . . / "MORE FUN = I also made up a lil sumthin to make my lil buddy, my nephew laugh, here it is - Cheese is good. It's good to have cheese. Balls are good. It's good to have balls. Cheese balls are good. It's good to have cheese balls. However, it is not good to have cheese on your balls. 😆 He cracks up now anytime I say cheese . . . . . . . or balls. 🤣

26 minutes ago

A bit of humor, but always remember how powerful you truly are. 😉💪😆

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SUNDAY SERMON - Are You Certain?

Hello friends,

it's time for a Sunday Sermon again:-) 
It's very interesting how something that can help us so greatly and expand us forward into greater wellbeing can also be the thing that holds us back or locks us in at times.
Does that sound like a paradox? Well, let us explain...👇🏽

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SUNDAY SERMON - The Tennessee Healers

Hello friends,

it's time for another Sunday Sermon:-)
One of the most common things that Kristin & I would repeat over and over again during our retreats is the phrase, "give yourself permission" or "allow yourself...".

Why? Because for anything new, different or better to unfold we need to first give ourselves permission. Life is a journey, not a destination. The interesting this is, how the world around us reflects our own quite a big way:-)

Let us share a little more with you in this audio here

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SUNDAY SERMON - 18 Words To Live By


if something cannot be expressed simply, it's simply not understood:-) I always like that statement because it resembles truth. In today's Sunday Sermon I'd like to share 18 words with you that, when actually embodied, can change everything, including the course of history.

Let me tell you what I mean in this audio here 👇🏽 

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